Study Aids
Essential principles of forensic chemistry and toxicology for core crime scene evidence analysis concisely written by expert in the field Suzanne Bell, PhD from Los Alamos National Laboratory, then professor at Eastern Washington University, and Chair of the National Commission on Forensic Science. The wealth of answers in this 6-page, laminated, color-coded outline format, including equations, graphs and diagrams cannot be missed for those studying in this field and well beyond school for a quick look-up and refresher. QuickStudy guides are proven to boost retention and test scores, and as customers attest, are handy throughout a career. Also buy Dr. Bell's Forensic Science guide to complete the pair and ad these powerful and simple-to-use tools to your library for a price so low it's a crime.
6 page laminate guide includes:Measurement Science Metrology Uncertainty Fundamentals of Statistics Assuring Data Quality Calibration & Control Charts Method Validation Sampling Measurement Uncertainty (MU) Key Chemical Concepts Equilibrium Constants Partitioning Ionizable Centers Acidic & Basic Functional Groups - Diagrams & Range Table Instrumentation Chromatography Performance Metrics Mass Spectrometry Spectroscopy Seized Drug Analysis Drugs as Physical Evidence Controlled Substances Act (CSA) Drug Classification Analytical Methods Forensic Toxicology Pharmacokinetics (ADME) Kinetics of Elimination Blood & Breath Alcohol Common Sample Types & Lab Analysis Evidence Associated with Combustion Combustion Thermodynamics of Combustion Reactions Fire Debris Analysis Forensic Investigation of Fire Deaths Explosives Firearm Discharge Residue Methods of Analysis Serial Number Restoration Trace Evidence Trace & Transfer Evidence Miscroscopy Analysis Types of Trace Evidence Characterizing Color
6 page laminate guide includes:
Essential principles of forensic science for core crime scene evidence collection and evaluation concisely written by expert in the field Suzanne Bell, PhD from Los Alamos National Laboratory, then professor at Eastern Washington University and Chair of the National Commission on Forensic Science. The wealth of answers in this 6-page, laminated, color-coded outline format, including diagrams and photos cannot be missed for those studying in this field or for the serious and curious true crime fans looking for the facts about crime scene investigation. QuickStudy guides are proven to improve retention, test scores and act as a refresher for those professionals beyond study. Also buy her Forensic Chemistry & Toxicology guide to dig even deeper into evidence analysis and ad these powerful and simple-to-use tools to your library for a price so low it's a crime.
6 page laminated guide includes:Key Concepts, Data & Results Historical Figures Bias & Human Error Interface with the US Legal System Crime Scenes Processing & Evidence Collection Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (BPA) Pattern Evidence Successive Classification Fingerprints Firearms & Toolmarks Tread Pattern Medicolegal Death Investigation Biological Evidence Types of Fluids Presumptive/Screening Testing Genetic Marker Systems DNA Typing Chemical Evidence Seized Drug Analysis Toxicology Fire Debris Analysis Explosives Trace Evidence Trace & Transfer Evidence Microscopy Analysis Types of Trace Evidence Other Forensic Disciplines Questioned Document Examination Forensic Anthropology Forensic Entomology Forensic Engineering Computer Forensics Behavioral Science
6 page laminated guide includes:
HIPAA violation costs can be as high as $1.5 million per year or could result in jail time. Having a handy and concise guideline reference can protect health care professionals and their patients from missteps that could unknowingly cause violations. This inexpensive 6 page laminated guide can support managers, owners, privacy & security officers and staff day to day or in training, as well as students in HIPAA compliance courses.
6 page laminated guide includes:HIPAA Rules & Related Laws When HIPAA Applies HIPAA-Related Risks HIPAA Enforcements HIPAA Privacy Rule Requirements HIPAA Security Rule Requirements HIPAA Data Breach Notification Rule Requirements HIPAA Privacy, Security & Compliance in Practice Additional Resources
6 page laminated guide includes:
Our chart shows you how to brief a case in a compact format that is simple to follow. Includes an actual brief that illustrates all the salient points.
Whether you are majoring in business, looking for investors or developing solid plans for your boss or your own business, this guide can pave the way and/or be there for you when you need a refresher.
Essentials of the college level Intermediate Accounting 1 course expertly written in our time-tested condensed format that is proven to support students, their studies, grades and even their professional life after graduation. Our experienced author, professor and consultant Michael Griffin, MBA, CMA, CFM, ChFC has outdone himself providing the clearest organization of concepts streamlined to offer facts, equations, examples and explanations in 6 laminated pages offering incredible value for quality course and professional support that you will not find anywhere else. Any business professional that deals with top-level management of multifaceted companies would also find this to be a great reference for facets they may not deal with on a daily basis, but that they are expected to understand regarding operations and strategy, again at an unbeatable value.
6 page laminated guide includes:Financial Accounting Conceptual Framework of Financial Accounting Income Statement Revenue Recognition Discontinued Operations Comprehensive Income Earnings Per Share Statements Balance Sheet Cash & Cash Equivalents Receivables Inventory Self-Constructed Assets Research & Development Property, Plant & Equipment (PP&E) Depreciation, Depletion & Amortization Intangible Assets Time Value of Money Financial Disclosures Auditor's Report
6 page laminated guide includes:
Essentials of the college level Intermediate Accounting 2 course expertly written in our time-tested condensed format that is proven to support students, their studies, grades and even their professional life after graduation. Our experienced author, professor and consultant Michael Griffin, MBA, CMA, CFM, ChFC has outdone himself providing the clearest organization of concepts streamlined to offer facts, equations, examples and explanations in 6 laminated pages offering incredible value for quality course and professional support that you will not find anywhere else. Any business professional that deals with top-level management of multifaceted companies would also find this to be a great reference for facets they may not deal with on a daily basis, but that they are expected to understand regarding operations and strategy, again at an unbeatable value.
6 page laminated guide includes:Investments Current Payables Income Tax Accounting Long-Term Liabilities Asset Retirement Obligations Leases Pensions Contingencies Equity Statement of Cash Flows
6 page laminated guide includes:
Comprehensive guide on what to expect when preparing for a medical career.
Complete, labeled illustrations of joints and ligaments in the human body. From pre-teen to pre-med, this chart is loaded with beautifully illustrated diagrams, clearly and concisely labeled for easy identification. Illustrations by award-winning medical illustrator Vincent Perez.
Chart includes detailed diagrams of:
- temperomandibular & hyoid
- temperomandibular joint
- lumbar spine
- spine
- sternoclavicular & shoulder
- craniocervical
- pelvis (posterior & superior views)
- elbow (lateral & anterior views)
- wrist & hand (palmar view)
- wrist (dorsal view)
- finger (medial view)
- hip ligaments & hip ligaments opened
- knee ligaments (front & back)
- right foot (lateral, inferior & medial views)
Chart includes detailed diagrams of:
- temperomandibular & hyoid
- temperomandibular joint
- lumbar spine
- spine
- sternoclavicular & shoulder
- craniocervical
- pelvis (posterior & superior views)
- elbow (lateral & anterior views)
- wrist & hand (palmar view)
- wrist (dorsal view)
- finger (medial view)
- hip ligaments & hip ligaments opened
- knee ligaments (front & back)
- right foot (lateral, inferior & medial views)
Loaded with meticulously detailed, beautifully illustrated structures of human joints and ligaments and their bone counterparts for comparison, clearly and concisely labeled for easy identification.
Illustrations by award-winning and best-selling medical illustrator Vincent Perez, whose life mission is cataloging the beauty and detail of our complicated body systems for the medical professional, the formative student and the inquisitive layperson.
Illustrations by award-winning and best-selling medical illustrator Vincent Perez, whose life mission is cataloging the beauty and detail of our complicated body systems for the medical professional, the formative student and the inquisitive layperson.