Study Aids
Updated for 2018 ICD-10 PCS (International Classification of Diseases, Procedure Coding System) guidelines, this 6 page laminated guide covers core essentials of coding clearly and succinctly. Author Shelley C. Safian, PhD, RHIA, CCS-P, COC, CPC-I, AHIMA-approved ICD-10-CM/PCS trainer used her knowledge and experience to provide the largest number of valuable facts you can find in 6 pages, designed for you to find answers fast with color coded sections, and bulleted lists. A must for students seeking coding certification and a great desktop refresher for professionals referencing procedural codes that track various health interventions taken by medical professionals.
6-page laminated guide includes:Inpatient Procedure Coding Selection of Principal Procedure ICD-10-PCS Coding Conventions ICD-10-PCS Sections & Subsections Medical & Surgical Section: Guidelines Obstetrics Section: Guidelines New Technology Section: Guidelines ICD-10-PCS Terms
6-page laminated guide includes:
Calculations, formulas, measurements, conversions, dosages, rates, equivalents and more are expertly organized in this 6 page laminated reference guide with clear color coded sections and easy to read layout. You can find your answer fast as a medical professional or a medical student on the job or in the classroom. Author Dr. Shelley C. Safian is a professor and author of six textbooks and multiple best selling QuickStudy reference guides.
Topics covered include:
The study of the vast majority of living organisms, which happen to be smaller than the eye can see. This reference answers the most important questions that form the foundation of Microbiology within 6 laminated pages. Author, professor and researcher in the filed of Biology Dr. Frank Miskevich produced this fact-filled reference to support students at any level. Carry this core material in a handy format to use beyond the course and into higher level and career courses, then even further into your working life as a refresher. With many diagrams in a small package, you will not need to crack the textbook to review and refresh to boost test scores and retention for the lowest price you will see for such an effective tool.
6-page laminated guide includes:Organisms & Evolution Bacteria Archaea Eukaryotes Viruses Shapes & Types - with illustrations Bacterial & Archeal Cell Shapes Growth Characteristics Eukaryotic Types Microbiological Methods Safety First Microscopy & Staining (illustration) Culture Media, Colonies & Streaking Replication & Reproduction DNA Replication (illustration) Asexual Fungal Replication (illustration) Sexual Fungal Reproduction Microbial Growth Phases Viral Replication Metabolism Energy Sources Glycolysis & Gluconeogenesis (illustration) Fermentation or Krebs Cycle Electron Transport Chain (illustration) Photosynthesis Light & Dark Reactions (illustration) Specialized Metabolism Central Dogma DNA is Transcribed into RNA Types of RNA mRNA is Translated into Proteins Bacterial Gene Regulation Beneficial or Pathogenic? Bacteria in Food Preparation Koch's Postulates to Identify Pathogens Zoonotic Pathogens Human Microbes Industrial Microbes Immunity & Resistance Adaptive Immune System Innate Immune System Antibiotics Drugs Against Other Microbes (illustrations)
Suggested uses:Students - especially relevant for those majoring in science or a health care related field Quick Reference - instead of digging into the textbook to find a core answer you need while studying, use the guide to reinforce quickly and repeatedly Memory - refreshing your memory repeatedly is a foundation of studying, have the core answers handy so you can focus on understanding the concepts Test Prep - no student should be cramming, but if you are, there is no better tool for that final review
6-page laminated guide includes:
Suggested uses:
With the economy currently in turmoil, understanding how businesses and consumers interact is more important than ever--for business owners and students of economics, alike. A handy, fluff-free resource tool, our 3-panel (6-page) guide simplifies the world of microeconomics through the use of definitions, formulas and full-color tables and charts.
Quick and easy answers to the essentials of Excel, handy enough to keep you working without Internet searches or long videos. Our author and expert Curtis Frye owns a corporate training company specifically for Excel, is also a LinkedIn Learning video author (formerly and a Microsoft author. The ability to choose what is covered in this reference comes from his vast experience working directly with users. This expertise is streamlined through clear and succinct answers provided to help accomplish tasks. Includes labeled screen grabs and icons in a color-coded design. Durable and portable, this 6 page laminated guide can be stored and accessed quickly so you can find what you need fast. Corporations ranging from Ford Motor Company to the FBI have purchased QuickStudy software guides for their employee's workspace to improve productivity and reduce support calls.
6 page laminated guide includes:Managing Excel Selecting Cells & Navigating Efficiently Summarizing Data Efficiently Verifying Data Entry Using Data Validation Rules Auditing Formulas Organizing Data Using Named Ranges & Tables Optimizing Data Display Applying Cell Formats Managing Lists of Values Managing Hyperlinks Managing Worksheets & Workbooks
6 page laminated guide includes:
Beautifully illustrated sections of the human body from various views, labeled clearly for easy reference.
Illustrations by award-winning medical illustrator Vincent Perez.
Studying the muscular system in detail will be a cinch with our comprehensive, six-panel guide. All areas of the body--from head to toe--have been illustrated and labeled in full color by award-winning artist Vincent Perez. Featuring deep layers and multiple views, this guide promotes better understanding and higher grades!
Complete, labeled illustrations of the muscular system, including three views for most sections. Chart is loaded with beautifully illustrated diagrams, clearly and concisely labeled for easy identification. Illustrations by award-winning medical illustrator Vincent Perez. Chart includes detailed diagrams of:
- muscular system
- deep muscles - front
- deep muscles - lateral
- deep muscles - rear
- muscles of the head
- arm
- leg
- hand
- foot
- muscular system
- deep muscles - front
- deep muscles - lateral
- deep muscles - rear
- muscles of the head
- arm
- leg
- hand
- foot
Get a better understanding of music's origins and how it has morphed throughout the centuries with this jam-packed, 6 page study guide. Within each page, you'll find detailed information on the elements of music, noteworthy composers--along with their most famous pieces--from both past and present, musical instruments, different music genres, and more. Complete with an easy-to-use format, this is one reference tool any music student will find hard to resist!
Taking the NCLEX-RN is a turning point in any nursing student's education, so it is no wonder that many nursing students stress about studying for the exam. Let BarCharts help you prepare with our NCLEX-RN Study Guide, an essential tool for exam preparation. Following the same "fluff-free" format as our best-selling Nursing guide, the NCLEX-RN Study Guide can help you reach your goal of becoming a registered nurse.